TIANJIN —The China Mining Conference and Exhibition 2021 (CHINA MINING 2021), which concluded in Tianjin on 23rd Oct, highlighted the theme of "Multilateral cooperation, for development and prosperity of post-pandemic era",

TIANJIN — The 23rd China Mining Conference and Exhibition (CHINA MINING 2021) opened in North China's Tianjin municipality on Oct 21, attracting 230 exhibitors and visitors from 36 countries and regions. The event is guided by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tianjin Municipal People's Government,

BEIJING -- China has made solid efforts to ensure its energy supply and expand its production capacity, authorities said on Wednesday.

The 23rd China Mining Conference and Exhibition will run in the coastal city of Tianjin from Oct 21 to 23, with events held both online and off.

The cloud platform of China Mining Conference and Exhibition (CHINA MINING)(https://cloud.chinamining.org.cn/)is a comprehensive online cloud platform that integrates "conference + exhibition + promotion" specially created for CHINA MINING 2021.

The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology on Monday released a new five-year plan for the development of the hydrogen industry, laying out major tasks for industrial chains and relevant applications for the 2021-2025 period.

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