About the Event

01Overview of Opening Ceremony


Interview with National Leaders of China


Meeting with Local Authority Chiefs

China Mining Conference & Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as CHINA MINING) has been held once a year for 24 years so far since 1999. In 2009, the Ministry of Land and Resources PRC (as of Sept., 2018, its name changes as the Ministry of Natural Resources PRC) jointly with Tianjin Municipal People’s Government hosted CHINA MINING for the first time in Tianjin, and then this cooperation has been maintained for 14 consecutive years. Since 2018, CHINA MINING has been hosted exclusively by China Mining Association and organized by Tianjin Minexpo Co., Ltd. After a 24-year development, CHINA MINING has ranked among global top mining events.

CHINA MINING covers the whole mining industry chain including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, technology and equipment, mining services, etc. It provides not only the platform for mineral exploration, development and trading, but also the communication bridge for domestic and international mining companies and related agencies. More than four hundred Exhibitors, ten thousand Delegates and Trade Visitors from over seventy countries and regions attend the event, seeking cooperation and business opportunities. The extending scope has enabled CHINA MINING playing more and more influential role in the global mining industry.

Themed as “Innovation Promotes High-Quality Development of Mining”, China Mining Conference and Exhibition 2023 (25th session) will be held on October 19-21, 2023 at Tianjin Meijiang Convention Center of Tianjin China in a combination of "offline + online", and on the basis of the previous Cloud Platform of the event, offline entities will be resumed to hold conference and exhibition.

In view of the hot issues faced by global mining industry under the new situation, the 2023 event will provide an exchange platform and services for mining rights holders, investors, technical service providers, equipment manufacturers and other professional institutions and individuals through conferences, exhibitions and promotion meetings.

This session will be held in a combination of "offline + online". The advantages of network technology should be brought into full play in order to achieve and exceed the effects and functions of on-site exhibition. The organizer will continuously improve and upgrade the "Cloud Platform of China Mining Conference and Exhibition" to provide online exhibition for exhibitors. The exhibition units (technology & equipment, mining projects, etc.) are formulated and presented in the mode of pictures, text, video, etc.

Some mining countries and regions will hold special mining promotion meetings during the event to introduce their mining investment environment and opportunities to the participants. According to the demands of participating enterprises, the project promotion meeting and the third party service promotion meeting will be also organized.



The conferences attract the world`s policy makers and the industry leading voice in presnting the hottest topics and providing insightful information. The topics also cover mining industry trends, the global mineral commodity market, domestic and international investment opportunities, sustainable mining development, geological surveys, mining technologies and equipment, etc.

gyzh 2019 01Keynote Session

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Mining Ministers Forum


China-Africa Mining Investment Partnership Forum


International Geological Survey Directors Forum

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Senior Corporate Executives Forum

gyzh 08

“The Belt and Road” Mining Cooperation Forum

gyzh 07

Country (Region) Mining Investment Projects Show

gyzh 08 01

Unveiling Ceremony for China Mining Int’l
Productivity Cooperation Enterprise Alliance

gyzh 09 01

Launching Ceremony of China-Nigeria
Mining Investment and Financing Alliance

gyzh 2017 10The Opening Ceremony of International Center of Excellence on Coal Mine Methane in China

gyzh 2017 11Graduation Ceremony of Foreign Aid Training Course in China


gyzh 201205Overview of the Main Exhibition Hall #N5


Special Assembly Construction Area


Indoor Mining Equipment Area

Outdoor Mining Equipment Area

Mining Country Pavilion

The industry exhibition will attract pavilions from major world mining countries and regions as well as exhibitors from mining companies, investment and financing institutions, evaluation consultations, technical service providers, equipment suppliers and other exhibitors from all countries who are aimed at promoting domestic and overseas cooperation in exploration, exploitation, investment, equipment technology and other fields through demonstration of their characters.

Featured Events

Opening Ceremony

Tour of Leaders and VIPs

Mining Ministers’ Bilateral Talks

Signing Ceremony


Night of BOCI


Welcome Reception


Gala Dinner


Projects Matchmaking

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Welcome Cocktail

During the congress, such varieties of featured events as Welcome Cocktail,Opening Ceremony, Tour of Leaders and VIPs,Welcome Reception, Bilateral Meetings between Sino-Foreign Mining Ministers, Projects Matchmaking & Signing Ceremony,Gala Dinner, etc., provide additional opportunities for mining professionals to communicate with each other. China Mining Conference & Exhibition is dedicated to following a path towards sustainable development of the Chinese mining industry and to being a part of global mining development trends in order to build a major annual event of mining dialogue, exchange and cooperation with integration of convention, exhibition and theme activity for the whole mining sector.

Reasons for Participating in CHINA MINING

• Top mining summit forum in Asia
• The world’s premier mining Congress & exhibitions

• The most respected and professional mining expo in China
• The Best platform for cooperation between international and local mining enterprises

• To share advanced experience from mining leaders
• To Learn about the latest tendency in mining worldwide

• To find domestic and foreign investment opportunities
• Project Investment Negotiation and matchmaking

• To study the world’s most advanced professional technologies
• To communicate directly with potential clients and business partners

An Outline of Previous Sessions of China Mining Conference and Exhibition

In October 1999, “International Seminar on China Mining Regulations” was held in Dalian, and attracted over 170 delegates from 10 countries and regions.

In October 2000, “International Seminar on Western Development and China Mining Investment” was held in Urumqi. Meanwhile, over 120 Chinese and foreign delegates attended the seminar. World Bank Group became a co-organizer of the event for the first time.

In September 2001, “International Seminar on China Mining 2001” was held in Xi’an, and attracted nearly 200 delegates from 11 countries and regions for participation. On this event, Canadian and Australian embassies in China became supporters for the first time. Wen Jiabao, then Vice Premier of the State Council, met with part of delegates attending the “International Seminar on China Mining 2001” and Zou Jiahua, then Vice Chairman of Committee of the National People`s Congress sent a congratulation letter to the conference.

In October 2002, “International Seminar of China Mining Congress 2002” was held in Chongqing. More than 200 delegates from 16 countries and regions attended the seminar, including 109 foreign delegates.

In October 2003, “International Seminar on China Mining 2003” was held in Kunming, and attracted 300-plus delegates from 14 countries and regions, among which, foreign delegates amounted to 140. Zeng Peiyan, then Vice Premier of the State Council of China, specially gave important written instructions for the seminar.

In November 2004, “International Seminar of China Mining Congress 2004” was held in Beijing. More than 1000 domestic and foreign delegates were present at the seminar, including over 500 foreign delegates from almost 30 countries and regions. Zeng Peiyan, then Vice Premier of the State Council of China attended the opening ceremony of the congress and delivered an important speech.

In November 2005, “CHINA MINING 2005” was held in Beijing, and attracted nearly 2,000 delegates from 20-plus countries and regions. Zeng Peiyan, then Vice Premier of the State Council of China, sent a congratulatory letter to the congress. The event was officially renamed “CHINA MINING ” since then.

In November 2006, “CHINA MINING 2006” was held in Beijing.  More than 2,000 delegates from over 20 countries and regions attended the congress. Besides, more than 160 domestic and foreign exhibitors participated in the exhibition. Zeng Peiyan, then Vice Premier of the State Council of China, attended the congress and delivered an important speech. The congress awarded China Mining International Cooperation Prize for the first time.

In November 2007, “CHINA MINING 2007” was held in Beijing. More than 3,000 delegates from more than 30 countries and regions attended the congress and more than 240 domestic and foreign enterprises participated in various exhibitions. Zeng Peiyan, then Vice Premier of the State Council of China, sent a congratulatory letter to the congress.

In November 2008, “CHINA MINING 2008”, themed as “Receiving new challenges and promoting continuous mining development”, was held in Beijing. Li Keqiang, Member of the Standing Committee of Political Bureau, Vice Premier of the State Council, sent a congratulation letter to the conference. With up to 402 booths provided covering an exhibition area 45% larger than that in CHINA MINING 2007, CHINA MINING 2008 attracted over 3,500 delegates from 49 countries and regions. Besides, it specially established many mineral subjects for deeply analyzing and discussing relevant popular minerals.

On October 20-22, 2009, the “China Mining Congress & Exhibition 2009 (11th)”, themed as “Take the Opportunity for Mutual Development”, was moved to Tianjin and held in the Tianjin Binhai International Convention and Exhibition Center. Li Keqiang, Member of the Standing Committee of Political Bureau, Vice Premier of the State Council, sent a congratulation letter to the conference. With over 420 booths provided, it attracted 1,000-plus domestic and foreign enterprises and 3,500-plus delegates from 55 countries, among which foreign delegates amounted to over 1,100, as well as nearly 150 global media for spot coverage.

On November 16-18,2010, the “China Mining Congress & Exhibition 2010 (12th)”, themed as “Cooperation, Responsibility, Development”, was held in Tianjin Meijiang Conference and Exhibition Center located at Tianjin’s downtown for the first time. Li Keqiang, Member of the Standing Committee of Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier of the State Council, attended the opening ceremony and made a speech. With a total of over 635 booths provided (40% was for foreign exhibitors), CHINA MINING 2010 successfully invited Louis Giampetri, First Vice President of the Republic of Peru, Iweala, Managing Director of the World Bank, government officials, and mining professionals, experts and scholars from many countries; and attracted over 1,000 enterprises and 4,500 delegates, among which foreign delegates amounted to nearly 1,300, from 57 countries and regions for participation, as well as industry reporters and nearly 100 global media from 30-plus countries for spot coverage. On the first held Mineral Resources Exploration and Development Project Investment Signing Ceremony, a total of 62 projects were signed, amounting to RMB 11.7 billion.

On November 6-8, 2011, the “China Mining Congress & Exhibition 2011 (13th)”, themed as “Strengthen International Cooperation, Accelerating Geological Exploration & Mining Development”, was successfully held in Tianjin Meijiang Conference and Exhibition Center. Li Keqiang, Member of the Standing Committee of Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier of the State Council, sent a congratulation letter and met with 20 participating mining and energy resources ministers and vice ministers from 17 countries and regions including Australia, Canada、South Africa in Beijing in the afternoon of November 7 and interpreted China’s mining policies in an all-sided manner for them. The mining ministers and vice ministers from 18 countries respectively made speeches for introducing general situation of native mineral resources and foreign cooperation intents at the Mining Development Summit Forum, attracting widespread attention among the participants. A total of over 5,000 government officials, mining professionals, experts and scholars from 55 countries and regions gathered together in Tianjin, increasing by over 650 people compared to the previous session. Among them, there were over 1,000 foreign delegates, including 23 ministers and vice ministers from 19 countries and regions and more than 40 ambassadors and foreign VIPs from 13 countries, topping the previous sessions; there were nearly 4,000 domestic delegates from 31 provinces, municipalities and Gold Force of People`s Armed Police. The exhibition area was up to 25,000 sqm, doubling that in 2010, which is corresponding to 1,050 standard booths, increasing by 60%. CHINA MINING 2011 issued 425 promotion and negotiation projects, increasing by 32.81%. On the second Mineral Resources Exploration and Development Project Investment Signing Ceremony, a total of 55 projects were signed, amounting to RMB 15.7 billion, increasing by 34.19%. Meanwhile, CHINA MINING 2011 attracted over 100 media and 200 reporters at home and abroad for spot coverage. In terms of number of participants and scale of exhibitors and booths, the congress 2011 all topped the previous sessions.

On November 3-6, 2012, the “China Mining Congress & Exhibition 2012 (14th)”, themed as “Join Hands to Meet Challenge and Promote Sustainable Development”, was successfully held in Tianjin Meijiang Conference and Exhibition Center. Li Keqiang, Member of the Standing Committee of Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier of the State Council, sent a congratulation letter. Mining ministers and vice ministers from 16 countries(regions)and the head of the Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization, Arab, delivered speeches at the Mining Ministers & Mining Industry Development High-level Forum of the congress to introduce mineral resource situation and intent on external cooperation of their own countries, drawing general attention from the delegates. A total of over 6,000 government officials, mining professionals, experts and scholars from 55 countries and regions gathered together in Tianjin, increasing by over 1000 people compared to the previous session. Among them, there were over 1,500 foreign delegates, including 22 ministers and vice ministers from 19 countries and regions and 24 ambassadors and 80 foreign VIPs; there were over 4,500 domestic delegates from 31 provinces, municipalities and Gold Force of People`s Armed Police. The exhibition area was up to 25,000 sqm, which is corresponding to 1,300 standard booths,. CHINA MINING 2012 issued 468 promotion and negotiation projects. On the third Mineral Resources Exploration and Development Project Investment Signing Ceremony, a total of 89 projects were signed, amounting to RMB 13.227 billion. Meanwhile, CHINA MINING 2012 attracted over 100 media and 200 reporters at home and abroad for spot coverage.

On November 2-5, 2013, the “China Mining Congress & Exhibition 2013(15th)”, themed as “Opportunity,Challenge, Development”, was successfully held in Tianjin Meijiang Conference and Exhibition Center. Mining ministers and vice ministers from 10 countries(regions)delivered speeches at the Mining Ministers & Mining Industry Development High-level Forum of the congress to introduce mineral resource situation and intent on external cooperation of their own countries, drawing general attention from the delegates. A total of over 7,000 government officials, mining professionals, experts and scholars from 55 countries and regions gathered together in Tianjin, increasing by over 1000 people compared to the previous session. Among them, there were over 1,300 foreign delegates, including 12 ministers and vice ministers from 11 countries and regions and 14 ambassadors and 80 foreign VIPs; there were over 5,700 domestic delegates from 31 provinces, municipalities and Gold Force of People`s Armed Police. The exhibition area was up to 27,000 sqm, which is corresponding to 1,700 standard booths. CHINA MINING 2013 collected 368 projects as a result of marketing and negotiation, including: 240 domestic projects, accounting for 65.22% of the total number of projects; 128 overseas projects, accounting for 34.78% of the total number of projects.  At the Awards Ceremony,leaders from the Ministry of Land and Resources and Tianjin Municipal People`s Government presented five types of annual Outstanding Achievement Awards of CHINA MINING for the winners from 15 companies. Meanwhile, CHINA MINING 2013 attracted over 70 media and more than 200 reporters at home and abroad for spot coverage.

On October 20-23, 2014, the “China Mining Congress & Exhibition 2014(16th)”, themed as “Sustainable Development through Innovation”, was successfully held at Tianjin Meijiang Conference and Exhibition Centre. A total of over 8,000 government officials, mining professionals, experts and scholars from 53 countries and regions gathered together in Tianjin, increasing by over 1000 people compared to the previous session. Among them, there were more than 1,000 foreign delegates, including 22 ministers or vice ministers and 11 ambassadors(envoys)from 19 countries and regions ; Over 7,000 domestic delegates were from 31 provinces, municipalities and gold armed police corps. This exhibition covered a record area of 38000 square meters, reaching an increase of 11,000 square meters more than the previous,with 617 exhibitors (converted into 1800 standard booths of 6 square meters). CHINA MINING 2014 introduced keynote session, mining ministers forum and mining development simmit forum and another 22 streams and 10 countries (regions) investment projects shows featuring rich content, high participation and strong interaction. Mining ministers and vice ministers from 10 countries delivered speeches at the Mining Ministers Forum of the congress to introduce mineral resources situation and intent on external cooperation of their own countries, drawing general attention from the delegates. CHINA MINING 2014 collected 220 projects as a result of marketing and negotiation, including: 151 domestic projects and 69 outbound projects.  At the awards ceremony, four kinds of the annual Outstanding Contributions Awards of CHINA MINING (including sponsorship, exhibition, participants and service) were awarded for the first time to the 34 units and individuals of winners by the leaders of the Ministry of Land and Resource and the municipality of Tianjin.  Meanwhile, CHINA MINING 2014 attracted 76 medias and more than 200 reporters at home and abroad for spot coverage.

On October 20-23, 2015, the “China Mining Congress & Exhibition 2015(17th)”, themed as “New Normal, New Opportunities, New Development”, was successfully held at Tianjin Meijiang Conference and Exhibition Centre. A total of over 9,000 government officials, mining professionals, experts and scholars from 55 countries and regions gathered together in Tianjin, increasing by over 900 people compared to the previous session. Among them, there were more than 1,000 foreign delegates, including 12 (vice) ministers and 11 ambassadors(envoys)and 9 geological survey (vice) directors from 20 countries and regions ; Over 8,000 domestic delegates were from 31 provinces, municipalities and gold armed police corps. This exhibition covered over 38000 square meters, with 605 exhibitors. CHINA MINING 2015 introduced keynote session, mining ministers forum, geological survey directors forum, mining development summit forum and another 21 streams and 13 countries (regions) investment projects shows featuring rich content, high participation and strong interaction. Mining ministers and vice ministers or their representative from 10 countries delivered speeches at the Mining Ministers Forum of the congress to introduce mineral resources situation and intent on external cooperation of their own countries, drawing general attention from the delegates. CHINA MINING 2015 collected 174 projects as a result of marketing and negotiation, including: 108 domestic projects  and 66 outbound projects.  At the awards ceremony, four kinds of the annual Outstanding Contributions Awards of CHINA MINING (including sponsorship, exhibition, participants and service) were awarded to the 35 units and individuals of winners by the leaders of the Ministry of Land and Resource and the municipality of Tianjin.  Meanwhile, CHINA MINING 2015 attracted 135 medias and 464 reporters at home and abroad for spot coverage.

On September 22-25, 2016, the “China Mining Congress & Exhibition 2016 (18th Session)”, themed as “From Novel Concepts,To Innovative Solutions”, was successfully held at Tianjin Meijiang Conference and Exhibition Centre. A total of over 10,000 government officials, mining professionals, experts and scholars from 53 countries and regions gathered together in Tianjin, increasing by over 960 people compared to the previous session. Among them, there were more than 850 foreign delegates, including 15 (vice) ministers and 5 ambassadors(envoys)and 7 geological survey (vice) directors from 12 countries and regions ; Over 9,000 domestic delegates were from 28 provinces, municipalities and gold armed police corps. This exhibition covered over 38000 square meters, with 520 exhibitors. CHINA MINING 2016 introduced keynote session, mining ministers forum, China-Africa mining investment & partnership forum, geological survey directors forum, mining development high-level forum and other 25 breakout sessions and 17 mining shows (including 11 countries (regions) investment projects shows) featuring rich content, high participation and strong interaction. Mining ministers and vice ministers or their representative from 12 countries delivered speeches to introduce mineral resources situation and intent on external cooperation of their own countries, drawing general attention from the delegates. CHINA MINING 2016 collected 175 projects as a result of marketing and negotiation, including: 142 domestic projects and 33 outbound projects.  At the awards ceremony, four kinds of the annual Outstanding Contributions Awards of CHINA MINING (including sponsorship, exhibition, participants and service) were awarded to the 40 units and individuals of winners by the leaders of the Ministry of Land and Resource and the municipality of Tianjin.  Meanwhile, CHINA MINING 2016 attracted 103 medias and 342 reporters at home and abroad for spot coverage.

On September 23-25, 2017, the “China Mining Congress & Exhibition 2017 (19th Session)”, themed as “Promoting Mining Prosperity under the Silk Road Spirit”, was successfully held at Tianjin Meijiang Conference and Exhibition Centre. A total of over 11,000 government officials, mining professionals, experts and scholars from 54countries and regions gathered together in Tianjin, increasing by over 960 people compared to the previous session. Among them, there were more than 1000 foreign delegates, including 12 (vice) ministers and 10 ambassadors(envoys)and 9 geological survey (vice) directors from 11 countries and regions ; Over 10,000 domestic delegates were from 24 provinces, municipalities and gold armed police corps. This exhibition covered over 38000 square meters, with 582 exhibitors. CHINA MINING 2017 introduced keynote session, mining ministers forum, mining cooperation on “The Belt and Road” forum, geological survey directors forum, mining CEOs forum and other 33 breakout sessions and 9 countries (regions) investment projects shows featuring rich content, high participation and strong interaction. Mining ministers and vice ministers from 11 countries delivered speeches to introduce mineral resources situation and intent on external cooperation of their own countries, drawing general attention from the delegates. CHINA MINING 2017 collected 121 projects as a result of marketing and negotiation, including: 105 domestic projects and 16 outbound projects.  The Ministry of land and resources has published the "China mineral resources report (2017)" and the collection of China's mining policy in recent years.  Meanwhile, CHINA MINING 2017 attracted 70 Medias and 359 reporters at home and abroad for spot coverage.

On October 18-20, 2018, China Mining Conference & Exhibition 2018 (20th Session)”, themed as “New Pattern of Opening, New Model for Cooperation”, was successfully held at Tianjin Meijiang Conference and Exhibition Centre. A total of over 11,000 government officials, mining professionals, experts and scholars from 54countries and regions gathered together in Tianjin. Among them, there were more than 900 foreign delegates, including 10(vice) ministers and 10 ambassadors(envoys)and 9 geological survey (vice) directors from 10 countries ; Over 10,000 domestic delegates were from 21 provinces, municipalities. This exhibition covered over 30000 square meters and 512 booths, with 420 exhibitors including 93 foreign exhibitors. CHINA MINING 2018 introduced introduced1 keynote session and 10 summit forums (including mining ministers forum, senior cooperate executives forum, China-Africa mining investment partners forum, mining cooperation forum on “The Belt and Road” and international geological survey directors forum, each in two sessions) and 49 thematic sub-forums, including 12 commercial forum (including 7 national project promotion shows), with a focus on strengthening the project matchmaking & negotiation and cooperation with the countries and regions along “The Belt and Road” and Africa and South America.. Mining ministers and vice ministers from 10 countries delivered speeches to introduce mineral resources situation and intent on external cooperation of their own countries, drawing general attention from the delegates. CHINA MINING 2018 collected over 70 projects as a result of marketing and negotiation, including 38 outbound projects. The Ministry of Natural Resources China published the "China Mineral Resources Report (2018)”. APEC, in conjunction with the Canadian Ministry of Natural Resources, published the Government Checklist for Mine Closure. The Geological Cloud 2.0 system was openly displayed at the site by China Geological Survey, sharing geological information products of 8 systems and 12 databases, such as basic geology, agricultural geology and environmental geology, and improved the level of geological service. Meanwhile, CHINA MINING 2018 attracted 117 Medias and 374 reporters at home and abroad for spot coverage.

On October 9-11, 2019, China Mining Conference & Exhibition 2019 (21st Session)”, themed as “High Quality Development, for Shared Future of Global Mining Industry”, was successfully held at Tianjin Meijiang Convention Center. A total of over 8,500 government officials, mining professionals, experts and scholars from 54 countries and regions gathered together in Tianjin. Among them, there were more than 400 foreign delegates, including 8 (vice) ministers and 4 ambassadors(envoys)and 6 geological survey (vice) directors from 7 countries; This exhibition covered over 30000 square meters and 428 booths, with 283 exhibitors including 34 foreign exhibitors. CHINA MINING 2019 introduced one Theme Session, 3 Summits (including Mining Ministers Forum, Senior Corporate Executives Forum and Geological Survey Directors Forum) and other 26 breakout sessions (including 7 countries (regions) investment projects) shows, with a focus on strengthening the project matchmaking & negotiation and cooperation with the countries and regions along “The Belt and Road” and Africa and South America.. The ministers and vice ministers from Argentina, Zambia, Mali, Sudan, Mongolia, Surinam etc., delivered speeches to introduce mineral resources situation and intent on external cooperation of their own countries, drawing general attention from the delegates. The quality mining projects in the exhibition and negotiation area and special project promotion shows attracted many investors to negotiate. During the conference, Yunnan Gold Group signed a cooperation framework agreement with the Ministry of mines and petroleum of Mali in cooperation with CGOOC, CITIC Heavy Industries and Mongolia iron ore crushing project reached cooperation intention, and Zhuhai EGR Special Drilling Equipment Co., Ltd and other enterprises successfully signed many contracts. According to incomplete statistics, as of the closing of the conference, the amount of on-site cooperation intention reached more than 30 million yuan.The Ministry of Natural Resources PRC published the “China Mineral Resources Report (2019)” as a window to look at the overall situation of China's mineral resources on the site of the conference, and the China Geological Survey released the “Global Mining Development Report 2019”, which is the first mining report released globally in China. Meanwhile, CHINA MINING 2019 attracted 97 Medias and 221 reporters at home and abroad for spot coverage. The opening ceremony of the conference was broadcasted on the websites of China.net and the Ministry of Natural Resources China.

Themed as “Responsibility, Innovation, Governance”, China Mining Conference and Exhibition 2020 (22nd session) was successfully held in Tianjin China on October 22-24, 2020. Affected by the epidemic of COVID-2019, this session adopted the innovative way of combining "offline + online". The main venue was located in the Renaissance Tianjin Hotel, and various activities were conducted online. It mainly included the following contents: offline opening ceremony of the conference (online cloud exhibition and cloud negotiation will be started simultaneously during the opening ceremony), forum (theme forum adopted "offline + online" method, and symposiums adopted online mode), online promotion (including national promotion, projects promotion, and third-party service promotion) and online exhibitions, etc. A total of visitors from 35 countries and regions registered online to participate in the event. During the conference, 65313 times of cloud live broadcasting such as forum and symposiums and various promotions were watched, with 12027 viewers. As of October 30, the playback volume totaled 10153 times. The cloud exhibition hall registered 312 exhibitors, with 22807 views and 12892 visitors from October 22 to October 30. The envoys of Chile, Peru, Guinea, Madagascar, Argentina and South Africa were interviewed by mainstream media. The Ministry of Natural Resources China released the report of “China's Mineral Resources (2020)” at the conference site, which became a window to look at the overall situation of China's mineral resources in the past year. More than 1000 pieces of news articles were published (broadcast) by various media.

Statistics of CHINA MINING 2004-2019

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